D.I.Y Tutorials

Monday, July 16, 2012

DIY - Shopping List Frame

 Following on from the post I did here..

 This one is for your kitchen, it is perfect to write down once you run out of something before you need to do your shopping..


  • To make this I found a spare frame and printed out one of the below printable that my lovely husband has done for me.
  •  If you have an old frame that doesn't have the glass anymore all you need to do is laminate the image and pop it in the frame as it will work the same way..
  • The only other items you will need is a whiteboard pen and a cloth to wipe off old thoughts.

Free Printables

Download A4 size HERE
Download 8x10 HERE 


This is now in our kitchen getting used already..



Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Learning new things from each other" Session - Paper fan craft.

On Saturday we had our first "learning new things from each other" Session that I told you about here. 
Well it was so much fun and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves I needed a big drink of water afterwards from talking to much heheh.

This class was a group of 12 which was a nice class to teach.

It had been awhile since I took a class and last time it was in front of kids.. Looking forward to the next one which will be run by a friend which will be a Household Organisation session.

Here are a few photo's from the session.. 



Fun Fun Fun..


Saturday, July 14, 2012

DIY - Can't Sleep Thoughts Frame


Does anyone have trouble falling asleep because you have too many thoughts going around in your head?

 Well I do, and also have wake ups in the middle of the night. Then can't get back to sleep because I am thinking about things that need to be done the next day.

I wanted to make myself one of these frames so I can right them down and be able to remember them in the morning..
  • To make this I found a spare frame and printed out one of the below printables that my lovely husband has done for me.
  •  If you have an old frame that doesn't have the glass anymore all you need to do is laminate the image and pop it in the frame as it will work the same way..
  • The only other items you will need is a whiteboard pen and a cloth to wipe off old thoughts.

Free Printables to choose from:




Please let me know if you would like any in a different colour.

I am loving my new addition to my bedroom.


I would love to see any photos if you ever make one of my DIY projects feel free to email me at ah-tissue@hotmail.com


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

DIY Learning New things from each other Group

So one day I was thinking I really do want to keep learning new things and didn't want to spend lots of money on courses. So I took a look at who I am friends with and what things I could learn from them that I didn't already know.. When I really had a good think about that I said WOW to myself and thought lets start a little learning facebook group.  So I did !!

This is what I sent out and adding to the "About" section of the group.
My loving husband whipped up a little logo for our group..

("Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

1. What can you teach to others.

2. What can you learn from others.

I always want to learn new things!

As we all have a variety of life experiences, skills and talents, why not share and collaborate these skills with friends that are willing to learn and without a hefty price tag.

The plan is to form a group that will be able to have an opportunity to learn from each other. Every 4 weeks there will be a session held either at my place or the person who is leading the session, can choose the location.

Ideas of what you can bring towards these sessions are as follows:
• Arts & Craft categories
• Cooking categories
• Photography
• Gardening
• Sports
• Social Networking
• Business
• Design
• And so on

It can be as simple as you want. It’s not a competition; it’s just getting together and having fun while learning a new skill.
I will create a calendar and set out our initial sessions. The dates and time are entirely up to you
If you are interested and feel like joining, please let me know. If you already have an idea of what you would like to teach, send me a message and we can start setting out the timeframes.
Also, if you have any suggestions on what people might like to learn, don’t hesitate to put it out there.
Lastly, if you think that you know anybody that might like to be part of the group, feel free to send and invite to them.
All lessons are to be free or depending on the subject matter there may be a small cost. In return of it being free, by running a session is your way of contributing to this group.

“We can all learn something from each other”)

So I have 39 in our little group and can't wait to get started so far from this little group we will be learning:
  1.  "Paper Craft"Different decorations using the Fan Technique
    - I will be showing you a few different items in this session and you will be making them all to take home.
  2.  Household Organisation 
  3.  Mindfulness and meditation for busy lives
  4.  DIY Kids Craft
  5.  How to make your own Roselle drink
  6.  Lip Balm & solid perfume Class
  7. Basic Sign Language
  8.  Healthy and Clean Eating
  9. Scrapbooking digital and traditional
And that's just the start..


To find out more about starting your own group pop over here: https://www.facebook.com/help/groups/basics

Our first little lesson is on Saturday run by myself and I will let you know how it goes..

Has anyone else done one of these as I would love to hear how it went or going..

Also feel free to share with me if you start your own group..

